In 1881, renowned pharmacist, Théophile LeClerc, opened his pharmacy in the prestigious heart of Paris. He began to create in the basement of his pharmacy e created a rice powder of exceptional lightness and finesse: the T.LeClerc powder was born. This powder was an immediate hit with the elegant women of Paris in the Belle Epoque, speaking its praise. The T.LeClerc spirit and tradition live on through its legendary retro vintage silver powder box. Shop online for T. LeClerc products at Health and Beauty Express.
T. LeClerc Ombres Divine Collection
In 1881, renowned pharmacist, Théophile LeClerc, opened his pharmacy in the prestigious heart of Paris. He began to create in the basement of his pharmacy e created a rice powder of exceptional lightness and finesse: the T.LeClerc powder was born. This powder was an immediate hit with the elegant women of Paris in the Belle Epoque, speaking its praise. The T.LeClerc spirit and tradition live on through its legendary retro vintage silver powder box. Shop online for T. LeClerc products at Health and Beauty Express.