At Stratum C we created a powerful, overnight spot relief lotion that combines Salicylic Acid (a commonly used ingredient in most spot or acne treatments) with Sulphur and Zinc. The Sulphur acts as a pH stabiliser, reducing the acidic environment and reducing inflammation. Zinc helps to regulate the skin by reducing redness and swelling. Stratum C Menopause Spot Relief oxidises in air forming a pink powder on the site of the spot. For that reason the active ingredients are stored under liquid to protect them. You will be tempted to shake the bottle but DON’T ! Take a cotton bud and dip into the pink sediment at the bottom and apply only to the affected spots and leave overnight – washing off in the morning. It may take a few applications but your spots will be gone while the rest of your skin stays healthy and hydrated.

Stratum C
Spot Relief
Just when you thought spots were a teenage problem, Menopause comes along. Hormone changes are the source of both problems and it is thought that 70% of women going through the Menopause will suffer some form of breakout. Most treatments for acne and spots are based on drying agents in face washes that remove oil and grease from the entirety of the face. The problem is that Menopausal skin is thinner and drier and needs those oils and nutrients.
Size | 30ml |