Essential Three Daily Supplements: Good nutrition is fundamental to good health and to maintain good health, our bodies require a daily intake of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Even with a good diet many of us are still short of certain nutrients. ESSENTIAL Three is our curated programme of food supplements designed for men and women with a high strength Vitamin D3 tablet, our Lactospore® 15 Billion Complex which contains billions of bacteria with psyllium husk, aloe vera, spirulina and chlorella. Also with a high strength OMEGA 3 capsule, which contributes to the normal function of your HEART obtained with a daily intake of 250mg EPA and DHA. Each capsule is blistered for freshness in our easy to use daily strips for on-the-go health conscious people. Vitamin D is a very important little vitamin and has several functions. It helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, which contribute to the maintenance of bones and teeth. Never underestimate the importance?of this little nutrient! Lactospore® 15 Billion?& Psyllium Husk?Our Lactospore® Complex contains BILLIONS OF BACTERIA per capsule together with the soluble fibre PSYLLIUM HUSK and the antioxidants SPIRULINA, CHLORELLA and ALOE VERA. Omega 3 fatty acids are not produced in the body, therefore to keep healthy levels we should fortify our diets with oily fish. Taking supplements can support our dietary intakes of Omega 3; an intake of 250mg or EPA and DHA can help maintain the normal function of the heart. Each capsule provides a high strength 630mg total Omega 3, including 220mg DHA and 330mg EPA.
Inner Me
Essential Three
Nutrition experts worldwide agree that there are 3 essential daily supplements we should all consider taking no matter our age, sex or even how amazing our diets are. Even kings and queens of the Paleo diet are recommended to supplement their fabulous plant based diets with these daily essential three being Vitamin D, live cultures (a.k.a. probiotics) and omega 3. Our Essential Three pack contains premium and high strength grade: Vitamin D3 62.5µg, Probiotic Lactospore® 15 billion complex capsule with psyllium husk, High Strength Omega 3 DHA 220mg and EPA 330mg
Size | 28 Daily Strips |